Do you really know what you want from your career? Many of us know what we want from our careers; however, some of us get stuck in a quest for perfection. This can cause individuals to want to keep their options open and be reluctant to commit (read: What if I make the wrong choice? What if something better comes along?). Janet Matta, a Career Advisor at the University of Washington, joins the show to explore how to make go...
When discussing influence, there are some important factors to consider, particularly when you're deemed an extrovert. Denise Brouillette joins Tim Muma to share her insight and perspective on the rules of influence for this group of people. As CEO of LeaderXpress, Denise has been helping individuals with strategic leadership consultancy for nearly 20 years, which includes tips on influencing other effectively.
Striking the balance between fashionable yet professional clothing in the office can be difficult. Although work ethic and motivation are often key contributors to an employee’s success in the workplace, choosing professional clothing is also an important aspect of certain careers. Kat Griffin, founder and publisher of the website Corporette, joins LJNRadio to offer advice on choosing clothing that is both stylish and profe...
Human resources professionals come in all shapes and sizes…from generalists to specialists in compensation, compliance, and more. With so many options, how is one to know how to be successful in such a vital part of their businesses? Alan Collins, founder of Success in HR and Author of “Winning Big in HR,” joins the show to share his insight on the growing field of Human Resources.
In our technologically advanced world, the workplace could be anywhere you would like it to be. Many welcome the opportunity to work remotely, but the extent to which it helps and hurts is difficult to gauge. Jacque Vilet, president of Vilet International, has over 20 years' experience in international human resources and she tells Tim Muma that a true balance needs to be struck between virtual work and in-person communicat...
You'll find that most research shows a strong correlation between an employee's success and the effectiveness of his or her manager. Mark Murphy, founder and CEO of Leadership IQ, goes a step further in analyzing the value of face time with one's manager or leader. In fact, Leadership IQ recently did their own study to figure out the optimal amount of hours people spend with their boss, and the vital nature of this time.
What makes a great leader can often be difficult to determine, though it's a subject that is often visited. While it may be evident in one's personality, there are other qualities and skills that contribute mightily. Michelle Tenzyk, president of East Tenth Group, lends Tim Muma her 25 years of business experience to lay out some of the soft skills that are necessary for success as a leader.
Diversity can mean many different things in the workplace, and sometimes co-workers don't recognize, understand or appreciate the subtle nuances across cultures. Dr. Laura Hills, president of Blue Pencil Institute, draws off her distinguished 30-year career to give Tim Muma insight into the importance of valuing and owning the differences among groups of people. In today's workforce, it's imperative to learn how other cultu...
Many of our shows touch on the aspects of generational differences in the workplace, but one area of potential sensitivity occurs when a mature worker reports to a younger boss. National best-selling author, Kerry Hannon, AARP's Jobs Expert, dives into this subject that seems to be happening now more than ever. Kerry gives Tim Muma the details that make this a challenging circumstance, as well as the little (and big) things...
Motivation is one of the top job candidate qualities that many employers seek when finding talent for their companies. But with days filled with deadlines, meetings, and generally demanding schedules, it can be difficult to find energy for yourself, much less motivate your co-workers as well. We talk with Jo Miller, CEO of Women’s Leadership Coaching, Inc., to learn more about being a motivating force in the workplace.